
Course Completion and Success Dashboard

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning is excited to announce the publication of the SCC Course Completion and Success Interactive Dashboard! This replaces our self-serve completion rate pages previously available on this page and provides even more information! 

With this dashboard, you can view the following completion and success data for Fall 2015 through Summer 2020:

  • Trend and Equity Data, such as First Generation, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Pell Eligible, etc.
  • Rates by Division and Department
  • Rates by Course
  • Grade Distribution

Drill down into the data by selecting from the available filters on the right of each screen, such as term, course, and gender. Additionally, you can select items on particular tables/charts like term or division, and this will change the information on the other tables/charts in that view. If there is a plus (+) symbol when you hover over a chart header, then you can click the + to drill down deeper, such as viewing courses by section numbers. Finally, you can click or hover over some table or chart points to view more information.

To access the dashboard, visit: SCC Course Completion and Success Dashboard

If you would like to bookmark a particular view for future use (such as selecting your own division or department), you can save a custom view following these instructions. You can also save/print a particular view by following these instructions (landscape print view is recommended for this dashboard). Additional interactive dashboards are available at getData@SCC and getData@MCCCD.